
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Team AKGVH Winter Olympics Round Up - Part 2

Welcome to our AKGVH Winter Olympics Round Up Post, Part 2!! 

If you missed Part 1 of this here post, you can catch it right here:

Team AKGVH Winter Olympics Round Up Part 1

We hope you have enjoyed all of our Winter Olympics posts this Season.  If you have missed any posts, DIG the quick links:

We did a few other Winter Olympic Games activities as well. The Winter Olympics roll and count you will find in Cassie’s 3 Dinosaurs Winter Olympics pack:



For the next activity I got out the big Olympic Rings I made by wrapping hoola hoops with crape paper streamers using the official colors of the Olympics. I attached the hoops together in order using plastic ties.  I laid it on the floor and my wee babes had some fun jumping from empty space to empty space:

Then when they were done, I got some small post its and we decided how many points each empty space in the rings would be worth, lower points in large spaces and higher points in smaller spaces.   

I wrote the points on the post its, then placed each sheet in the agreed upon space. 

Using a bean bag, my wee ones tossed it into a space and began to rack up the points. At the end of the game, I added their points. They were lovin' it:

Here are two more Winter Olympic Games you will want to view:

Skeleton Explained:

These wee babes perform Winter Olympic Games of their own:

Here are a few more games and ideas you can do in your classroom:

Two different types of Winter Olympic Games Bingo:


Print out some Olympic event signs: 

Get our AKGVH exclusive vintage printable Winter Olympics activities for your classroom. Over 200 pages packed full of coloring pages, dot to dots, mazes, hidden pictures, paper dolls, crafts and more from our AKGVH Teacher’s Notebook Store: 

AKGVH Winter Olympics Games Vintage Activity Pack

                                                                Marc and Kathy Zimmerman Woodburn's Pups

Well, that wraps up our Winter Olympic Games activities this Olympic Season! We hope you implement some of our activities in your classroom every Winter!

See you soon!

 C.S. Calkins 
© 2018 All Rights Reserved
© 2020 All Rights Reserved

Team AKGVH Winter Olympics Round Up - Part 1

Welcome to our AKGVH Winter Olympics Round Up Post, Part 1!!

We hope you have enjoyed all of our Winter Olympics posts this Season.  If you have missed any posts, DIG the quick links:

Well, the Winter Olympic Games have come and gone once again until another 4 years. After visiting our posts along with other sites, you may have found you can still enjoy these sports every year with your wee ones throughout the Winter Season, even if you live in the desert! So to all of you who want to implement these sports into your Physical Education program on an annual basis, here is our final round up of other Winter Olympic activities we have performed. 

Let’s begin this post with a few Winter Olympic intro videos:

Here is a good video for your wee ones introducing Winter Sports:

For your older children, The History and Symbols of the Olympics:


And for teens and adults, the BBC History of The Winter Olympics:

Now enjoyment for all ages, DIG the Wacky Racers in the Snow:

Our next Winter Olympic Game we performed was the Luge. I printed out some runners, my babes colored them. Then I backed the runner with construction paper and cut him out. My wee ones glued him to the backing and let him dry. 

Then using Aleen’s Craft Glue, we glued a finishing nail to the underside and let it dry. 



Next we cut a paper towel tube in half and propped it up with a T.P. tube to set up their skateboard ramp, got our trusty stop watch.

The runner was timed on how fast it took to complete its luge run. We compared time between each other and between each luge run.


And off they luged!!!

Your wee babes can luge too using our printable FREEBIE! You will find the link at the end of this post.


And now for your viewing pleasure, here is a vintage Russian Luge cartoon:

I just could not resist this Geico commercial, it is toooooooooooo cute:   

                  Until I watched this, I had no idea Beets Luged:

                                    If you try to Luge indoors, well:

                                             The details of Luge:

Next we used our scooters to perform some ski jumping:

We wrote a sentence about what we did using a page from Cassie’s Winter Olympics Pack over at 3 Dinosaurs:

You can download this activity for you wee babes here: 

When Julian was young, we made these vintage skiers:

You can make one with your babes as well! Just scroll down to the bottom of this here post and look for the link.

After that we did Snowboarding using our scooters. We used our plant pots as traffic cones for a path to the jump. Each child took their turn in rote. Sorry about the side viewing but if you have been a follower, you have probably already figured out I am NOT tech savvy. The bottom line of this video is no matter how each child at this wee age chooses to do the activity; all is copasetic as long as they perform: 

Next we made some snow boarders to race. I had my wee grandbabes choose and color which snowboarder they wanted for the game. Then I cut them out with a construction paper backing and they glued their snowboarder onto their construction paper backing with a popsicle stick shoved between them in the middle and let them completely dry. If they curled, we set them under some heavy books overnight to flatten them.

After that, we filled up a paper cup with water, then put it in the freezer. After @ 1 hour, we stuck our snow boarders inside the ice and re-froze until solid: 

Now for the race! My wee ones set up their ramps and off they snowboarded! The trick is to keep your snowboarder moving without falling over. I would say, overall, my wee babes scored:


Our final Winter Olympics Game was Speed Skating. Once again, with no ice or skates, I had my wee ones perform this sport in their socks. They began in the kitchen, ran a short distance, jumped over the step into the dining room, then slid. I marked where they landed, and we measured how far they slid: 

Ran a short distance, jumped over the step into the dining room: 

Well, everyone except Rayven…she was of the opinion she would just take it easy:

Then slid:

Again, everyone except Rayven….she was takin’ it slow:

I marked where they landed in their color so we would know who was who, then we measured how far they slid: 

Once again, we used a page out of the Winter Olympics pack from Cassie’s 3 Dinosaurs and wrote a sentence about what we did:

Well, that is the end of our AKGVH Winter Olympic Games we had too much fun!!! Now our Winter Olympic Bulletin Board is finished:

And now for your freebies:

Vintage Skier

Well, that is all Blogger will allow me to write on this post so be sure to check out our AKGVH Winter Olympics Round Up Post, Part 2 for more activities, links and videos! 

Team AKGVH Winter Olympics Round-up Part 2

See you there!

C.S. Calkins  
© 2018 All Rights Reserved
© 2020 All Rights Reserved