Welcome to our 20 Interactive Ten Apples Up on Top Merriment's!
We have been having so much fun with our Apples Unit this September!
One of
our FAV segment's is our Ten Apples Up on Top book! Ever since my babes were in
diapers, Ten Apples on Top has been a FAV part of our Apple Unit studies.
When my babes got a bit older, after reading the story I had
them stand in front of our yellow door and told them to point to the top of
their head. Then I took their pictures, one after another.
I loaded the pictures up on my computer,
put them into a document,
and sized them to fit
an 8 oz. yellow plastic party drink cup.
I glued each their pictures onto separate cups, one for each child:
I glued each their pictures onto separate cups, one for each child:
They painted egg carton holders red:
when they were dry, I used my trusty letter opener to poke a hole in the top of
each egg cup and each yellow cup:
Using wooden shish-a-bob skewers, I pushed a skewer inside the top of the yellow cups.
Then my babes TRIPPED around with Ten Apples Up on Top each of their heads:
We counted, added and did a bit of "take away"
Need a copy of Ten Apples Up on Top for your babes? Check
And NOW here is our Ten Apples Up On Top Apple Count n Color Activity
FREEBIE just for YOU:
We ventured so very MUCH merriment with our Ten Apples Up on Top
interactives, and from the looks of it, you out there in webland make merry with
your interactives as well.
For those of you who have just been introduced to Ten Apples
Up on Top interactives, or for those who need some quick resources you can print
out or perform with your babes, I have put together a list of links of our FAV
Ten Apples interactive webland fun for you:
I Can Teach My Child Ten Apples Up On Top Interactive Pringle Can
Living Montessori Now Ten Apples on Top Sensory Bin Table & Free Printable
Living Montessori Now Ten Apples on Top Sensory Bin Table & Free Printable
Wow, that is quite a list of Ten Apples interactive adventures!
We want to add YOU to our Ten Apples Interactive
Fun list. If your babes have done any of the above Ten Apples Up On Top interactive
activities, post a flick in the comment section, or if you know of any MORE Ten
Apples Up On Top interactives out there in webland, post the links as well.
We invite you to visit our vintage homeschool blog often for
MORE interactive fun & FREEBIES!

Monday Made It
Social Butterfly Sunday
After School Activities