I do not know what the
attraction is but children LOVE monsters. When I was a child the "Big
Daddy Roth" monsters were a SMASH hit! Why even "The Beav" had
to have one of those monsters!
If you want to see
what happens in this episode, you can purchase it from eBay here:
Leave It To Beaver Season 5
Leave It To Beaver Season 5
If you are into Big
Daddy Roth, here is a site featuring a good amount of merchandise:
Pintrest also has a
Big Daddy Roth Monster board:
So of course my babes
want to get into the monster act! We watched The 3 Monsters on our Show N Tell:
You can get this Show
N Tell for your babes from eBay:
Sesame Street The monsters 3 Wishes Show N Tell
Sesame Street The monsters 3 Wishes Show N Tell
Then we watched
our "What's Under My Bed" filmstrip:
You can try and find the
film strip like ours from eBay:
We sang a Monster Song:
Monster in the Bathroom
We read our FAV Giant book:
You can get our fav giant book from eBay:
The Giant's Shoe
We made some Frankie shoes from kleenex boxes after we read our book:
We did some "M is for Monster" printing:
Monster in the Bathroom
We read our FAV Giant book:
You can get our fav giant book from eBay:
The Giant's Shoe
We made some Frankie shoes from kleenex boxes after we read our book:
We did some "M is for Monster" printing:
Next, we played some Monster Games. We did Monster Roll N Graph from the 3 Dinosaurs Monster Pack:
Monster Pack Printables from 3 Dinosaurs
For our next monster game, we made a monster out of a box placing his mouth low to the ground for ease and fed him (plastic) apples...the pictures are a bit blurry but you can get the idea:
We made some Monster faces from various materials and styrofoam meat trays:
Turned out pretty good, eh?
We also made Monster Ghouls from paper bags and face parts cut out from magazines:
Then we made Monster Stompers. These stompers lasted for years! Made from large coffee cans & foam sheets, each child chose the monster they wanted. Sierra chose Monster Toes while Julian chose Frankie:
My babes went stomping
here, stomping there, they went stomping everywhere. Up and down, all around they
stomped on the ground. Where their monster's would take them, I did not know
but they were most certainly on the go. And when their stomping feet did stop,
down they sat with a plop!
If you would like to make these Monster stompers, you can get some foam sheets on eBay:
Foam Craft Sheets
For lunch we ate Monster Toes:
Some monster hands:
You can find all kinds of cookie cutter hands to make these hand sandwiches just like ours from eBay:
Hand Cookie Cutter
and we drank bloody drinks:
You can find all kinds of cookie cutter hands to make these hand sandwiches just like ours from eBay:
Hand Cookie Cutter
(AKGVH (A Kinders Garten
Vintage Homeschool) is a participant in the eBay Partner Network, an affiliate
advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising
fees by advertising and linking to eBay.)
We used red cake icing gel for the blood. You can choose from a variety on eBay:
Red Icing Gel
Then we topped it off with our Monster Cup Cakes:
If you need some monster eye cake decos, here is a huge selection on eBay:
Eye Cake Decorations
As for the Gummy Fingers, I could only find a nice selection of Gummy Body Parts on eBay:
Gummy Body Parts
And now for your vintage Monster coloring pages FREEBIE:
AKGVH Vintage Monster Coloring Pages
Well, that wraps it up for our Halloween tribute this year, we hope you enjoyed our Monster blog post! Be sure to come back soon as we are doing a North Eastern American Indian Unit for Thanksgiving with ooodles of activity FUN!!
C.S. Calkins
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Monday Made It