
Monday, December 24, 2012

Our Lord's Christmas Candle 2

Welcome to Our Lord’s Candle Crafts Part 2! We have made several different candle crafts over the years and we hope you make some of these with your wee babes in the years to come.


These homemade candles turned out more more psychedelic than I thought:

First we made some of our own using broken crayons, empty cans and string:



These candles make far out gifts!!

Then we made Tissue Paper and Starch Candles: 

 Supplies Needed:

Empty Toilet Paper Tube

Tissue Paper

Paper Cutter

Small Bowls

Liquid Starch

Pipe Cleaner

Med. or Large Red Pom Poms

Pine Needles

Glue Gun

Glue Sticks

Small Toy or Candy

Old Adult T Shirt for a Smock

Clothes Pin to Secure Smock 

Old Newspaper


First I cut assorted colors of tissue paper into squares using my paper cutter. Paper cutters are the BOMB for saving time. Here is a flick of mine:


Here are some nice paper cutters on eBay: 


Paper Cutter

(AKGVH  (A Kinders Garten Vintage Homeschool) is a participant in the eBay Partnership Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to eBay.)

Lay out your old newspaper to cover your work space. I put the tissue squares into small bowls according to color: 

Liquid starch is a bit hard to find now-a-days,



but thanks to eBay...NOT a prob: 

Sta Flo Liquid Starch


Pour the starch into a low bowl to prevent spills. Using a paint brush, dip the brush into the starch and brush it onto the toilet paper roll.  paint brush we dig these and have several sets: 

Children's Paint Brushes



Put an old adult t-shirt on your wee babe and fasten it in the back with a clothes pin near the neck. Or maybe you would like to purchase one instead: 

Child Painting Smock


Give your babe a paint brush and instruct them to dip it into the starch first, then paint some starch onto the toilet tube. Now have them choose a tissue square, then direct them to place it over the area they just painted. If necessary, paint over the tissue square to adhere it to the tube. Continue painting starch and placing tissue until the entire tube is covered. Be sure to paint starch over any squares that are not completely covered. All squares must be covered well. When finished, set aside to dry.

Using your glue gun, 

attach the pine needles to the bottom edge of your tube, then attach the pom poms to look like berries. 

Need a glue gun or glue sticks? 

Glue Gun with Glue Sticks

Now when your babes are gone, cut one square @ 5 X 5 of yellow tissue and another square of either orange or red. Place the red or orange square on top of the yellow tissue then place your toy or candy on top as pictured below:

Next wrap your toy by gathering the points and bring them up, then place it inside your tube like this:


Glue the tissue paper to the tube rim, then let dry. Now take a pipe cleaner an gently wrap it around the tissue paper near the rim of the tube to make a flame. We used shiny ones like these:

Now place your candle on your piano, mantle, coffee table, end table or some other equally psychedelic place for ALL to enjoy!!

Our next candle craft is a Glitter Candle:

Empty Toilet Paper Tube
White School Glue (I recommend purchasing by the gallon)
Jumbo Cotton Ball
Red, Orange and Yellow Construction Paper
Paper Clips
Glue Gun
Glue Sticks
Holly Garland
Silk Pointsettia
2 inch wide Paint Brush
Old Newspaper
Half Page Size Sales Flyer from Sunday paper

Lay the old newspaper across your craft area table. Pour the glue
into  a medium plastic bowl. Add some water and stir. Your glue must not be too thick as you need to paint your glue onto your tube, if it is too thin, it will not adhere well.


Want to purchase a gallon size glue bottle. 

Why not have it shipped from ebay? 

1 Gallon School Glue

After putting a smock on your child, direct them to put the brush into the glue then wipe one side of the brush on the side of the glue container. Paint the glue onto the tube one spot at a time. Put the brush down and choose any Christmas color glitter like these in the one lb jar:

I have had the same 1 lb over the decades and have added more colors through the years:

eBay has a rather large array of colors to choose from at very reasonable prices: 

1 lb Glitter

Now get a sheet of the half page sales flyer and lay it flat. Open the pour spout on the glitter or unscrew the lid depending on the type. Have your babe hold the glitter container and place your hands over theirs and together, pour the glitter over the painted spot making sure you are holding the TP tube over the open flyer. Your wee babe may want to shake the container but do not let them or glitter will fly all over the place! Just hold the container tightly and tell them, “Easy, pour not shake.” Now set the glitter and the TP tube down, gather up the ends of the flyer and gently shake the glitter towards the center fold. Have your babe hold the glitter container, instruct them to “Hold it tight, do not move it.” Pout the glitter back into the container. You may have to shake the glitter down into the fold of the flyer a few times before you get it all. Repeat this procedure until all the spots are covered in glitter.

Now let your candle dry. Then, cut out one flame sized heart from the tagboard as a master pattern. Fold a small square in half and cut out a half heart and unfold. If you need tagboard, eBay has a nice selection:

Using your heart master pattern, trace 2 yellow, 1 red and 1 orange heart out of constgruction paper using my paper conservation tips found on the link below (scroll down the page):

Need construction paper assortments?Assorted Construction Paper

Now glue of one of the hearts like this:

Then stick the other colored heart onto one dot like this:

Now fold the hearts to make a flame and paper clip them together on both sides like this:

 Need paper clips?

Vinyl Covered Paper Clips

Remove the clips after 5 – 7 minutes so the clips do not stick to the paper, you just need the clips to secure the glued points. Let dry. Now get your cotton ball and carefully pull it until you get a circle inside the middle. Then place the flame tip inside the cotton ball like this:

Need jumbo cotton balls?

Jumbo Cotton Balls

Next glue inside the tube rim and secure the cotton ball in place. Now cut off some holly from the garland and glue gun it to the bottom rim. 

Lastly, glue on your poinsettias:


Olde Tyme Christmas Candle


Empty Toilet Paper Tube

Gold Shimmery Pipe Cleaner

Colored Pipe Cleaner

Egg Carton

Tempera Paint

Paint Brushes


Old Newspapers

Sales Flyer From Newspaper Half Page Size

School Glue


Glue Gun

Glue Gun Sticks

2 Small Paper Plates

Small Nut Cup 

Sharp Pointed Instrument such as a Letter Opener or something equally psychedelic






Cover your work area with the old newspapers. Put a smock on your babe. Have your babe choose a tempera paint color and using a paint brush, paint the tube all over, then let dry. Next cut off a cup from the egg carton and have your babe paint that, let it dry. 

Need some tempera paints? Check out these: 

Tempera Paint Set

No spill paint pots keep paints in check:

No Spill Paint Pots

Now glue the egg cup to the top of the tube and let dry. We put a Christmas sticker on top of the egg cup as an additional touch but this step is optional.

Next get a piece of your half page sales flyer and lay it out. Take your school glue and glue around the bottom edge and top rim of the egg cup. Open the pour spout of the glitter. Have your babe hold the glitter jar and together, pour the glitter over the glue over the laid out flyer. Your babe may want to shake, but do NOT let them or glitter will fly!!! Instruct them, "Pour, not shake." Set the glitter down, gather up the ends of the flyer, have your babe hold the glitter bottle while you pour the glitter back into the jar. Let dry.

Then take a pipe cleaner and wrap it around outside of the tube. Use the glue gun to secure it in place. 

Using the marker, wrap half of the gold pipe cleaner around the marker leaving @ 1 inch straight at the bottom:

Then wrap the other half around the pencil:

Using your sharp pointed instrument, poke a small hole in the top of the egg cup and insert the gold pipe cleaner. 

Next wrap a piece of foil around a small paper plate:

Cut a 2” strip out of the middle of the other paper plate and wrap it in foil: 

Now curl the strip and glue it together with the glue gun, then adhere it to the plate.   Take another piece of foil and wrap it around your nut cup:

Put the tube inside the cup glue gun the tube in the middle of the paper plate and there you have your Olde Tyme Christmas Candle:

Candy Cane Candle 


Candy Canes

Nice Fat Christmas Colored Candle

Glue Gun

Glue Sticks

Christmas Ribbon

Christmas Embellishments


Using your glue gun, glue the candy canes around your candle like this:

Next glue some ribbon around the candle. Then add the embellishment. This candle sure is SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!! 

As well, we DIG the vintage Christmas candles we inherited from mother:

If you would like to have some vintage Christmas candles to deco your home, ebay has an array of different styles & shapes: 

Vintage Christmas Candles

We hope you have enjoyed Our Lord's Christmas Candle posts.
If you missed our other Christmas Candle post, use the following quick link: 

Our Lord's Christmas Candle Part 1

If you would like to add your Christmas Candle fun to this page contact us and we will add it with your name and or link or add it in the comment section. 

Come and visit us soon for more fun & FREEBIES!

C.S. Calkins

© 2012 C.S. Calkins All Rights Reserved
© 2020 C.S. Calkins All Rights Reserved
Here are some of our FAV linky parties:

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