
Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Life and Character of Uncle Sam & FREEBIE!

Welcome to our Life and Character of Uncle Sam page!

We DIG Uncle Sam and prayerfully when we are done with this here blog post, you will too!! 

Trip back into the days of Independence of long ago, drifting through our garden of yesteryear as we uncover its true meaning nestled in our great country's history.


Old Uncle Sam

By Roger Robicheau

You all know me, I’m Uncle Sam,
So gosh darn proud, oh yes I am!

I’m for this country, all the way,
But you knew that, I’ll never sway.
I’ve been around for quite awhile,
Forget my age, I’m still in style.

Like Yankee Doodle, yes siree,
Like Troy, New York’s great history.

I’m so proud Yankee Doodle’s kin,
And proud what Troy for me has been.

“˜Twas Eighteen Twelve when all began,
Too bad there was no cameraman.

Our country fought its second war,
We would prevail, just like before.

Your Uncle Sam knows all too well,
The facts are clear, war can be hell.

Stay close to your Old Uncle Sam,
I’m here for you, that’s what I am.

We are the great Land of The Free,
Thanks to those marching faithfully.

Salute and thank the brave you see,
Do not forget, they’re tops with me.

America, stand up and cheer,
Our forces keep our freedom clear.

One Nation Under God we stay,
This truth endures to greet each day.

My time now draws to bid farewell,
“˜Twas grand to have you for a spell.

Goodbye to you, each worthy friend,
God Bless You, all my love I send.

There are a few renditions speculating where Uncle Sam comes from, but the most cited origin story traces Uncle Sam back to a meat package deliverer Sam Wilson who lived in Troy, New York. 

During the War of 1812, Sam packed meat in barrels for the American soldiers labeling the barrels "U.S." for "United States" . 

Being a well-liked and trustworthy man, local residents in Troy called him "Uncle Sam." When people around town saw those supply barrels marked "U.S." they assumed the letters meant Uncle Sam, and the soldiers followed suit. Uncle Sam then became a symbol for the United States of America and Congress passed a resolution in 1961 adopting this account as the official history.

Uncle Sam began to appear in images and literature soon after the War of 1812, and became popularized in the late 19th century through political cartoons by Thomas Nast, one of the country's most well-known cartoonists. 

                                                   Thomas Nast

His first rendition of Uncle Sam was carving the turkey at the Thanksgiving Table published on November 20, 1869 in Harper's Weekly. The caption "Come One, Come All, Free and Equal portrays Uncle Sam as a symbol of freedom and equality inviting all races to dine.


By 1876, Nast evolved his Uncle Sam drawings to resemble the one we recognize today.


The most familiar rendition drawn by James Montgomery Flagg in 1916 as the cover on Leslie's Weekly titles, "What are YOU doing for preparedness?".

In 1917 the Flagg drew his most famous recruiting poster of Uncle Sam asking YOU to join the Army. 

Over the years, Uncle Sam has shown up promoting everything from soap, to meds, to seeds and beyond...

He has asked American's to wake up,

to pull together,

to defend our country,

and to buy American.

He has told us to buy bonds,

and stamps,

to keep our teeth healthy,

and to grow our own gardens.

He encouraged American's to vote,

to keep the ballot box clean,

and fight communism.

He asked American's to take the ten year census,

encouraged us to save our money

to help guide American's into prosperity.

He let the world know he was here,

and invited them to the Expo as well.

He has flown over Manhattan,

been in the comics,

had his own story book series,

greeted us at Thanksgiving,

and visited at Christmas.

He has been drawn as a caricature, 

a gentleman,

and a hunk!

Why he even lent Smokey the Bear his famous stance.

Interested in MORE Smokey the Bear Activities? Check our our Smokey blog posts with these quick links:

And our great Uncle Sam even has a girlfriend:

Indeed, over the years, Uncle Sam has been quite a busy fellow helping to keep America free while reminding us our liberties are granted to all. Yes siree, quite a guy, is that Uncle Sam!

If you want to check our other Uncle Sam posts, DIG the quick links:

Uncle Sam We Am Yankee Doodle Do or Die & FREEBIES!

Visit our other Patriotic posts as well:

And NOW for your exclusive AKVGH FREE printables drawn by my humble self (C.S. Calkins) to use on charts, bulletin boards, flannelboards or just to color from our AKGVH Teacher's Dojo Store: 

Sam Wilson and Uncle Sam Activity Pack

Well, we hope you were DIGGIN' our History of Uncle Sam post! Be sure to visit us again for our Uncle Sam We Am Yankee Doodle Do or Die Activities and FREEBIES featuring our Uncle Sam crafts, activities, links and MORE!

See you there!

C.S. Calkins
© 2016 C.S. Calkins All Rights Reserved

© 2020 C.S. Calkins All Rights Reserved

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  1. Thank you for sharing with us at Merry Monday. I enjoyed the vintage posters. I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend.

    1. So very honored that of ALL the 400+ posts, you came to visit us once again! I noticed the link to the party did not work on my post, so I added it by hand! Merry Monday is a good party packed FULL of great posts from bloggerville!

  2. Such great information! Love all the great pictures as well as the history. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xoKathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

  3. Many thanks for visiting & STOKED you enjoyed our Uncle Sam post!! Thanks for hosting!!!
